Parking Impacts Due To Upcoming Tree Work
The Landscape Maintenance and Operations team is taking advantage of the reduced activity on campus to address areas where trees need to be removed or cut back. Below is a list of the areas where they will be and any parking impacts.
December 18: Avent Ferry Complex
The tree crew will remove an Oak tree and prune the crowns of six other Oak trees in the Avent Ferry Complex. The trees are located across from Aurora Hall. Work will begin at 8:30 a.m. and is expected to take seven hours to finish.
Below are pictures of the area where the work will take place.
- Red arrow on map and photo: The Oak tree is being removed due to significant dieback and reduced foliage from compaction and runoff from the slope.
- Yellow arrows on map and photos: The other Oaks are receiving a crown reduction pruning similar to the 5 Oaks that the City of Raleigh pruned close to the Avent Ferry entrance.
- Orange arrows on the map and photo: Parking area that needs to be empty and blocked off while the work is being done.
December 18: Warren Carroll Dr.
Below is a picture of the area where the work will take place. Work will begin at 7:00 a.m. and is expected to take all day to finish.
- The orange arrows represent the location of the work and the parking spaces that will be taken offline.
December 19: Court of North Carolina
Below is a picture of the area where the work will take place. Work will begin at 7:00 a.m. and is expected to take all day to finish.
- The orange arrows represent the location of the work and the parking spaces that will be taken offline.
December 19: Thompson Hall
Below is a picture of the area where the work will take place. Work will begin at 7:00 a.m. and is expected to take all day to finish.
- The orange arrows represent the location of the work and the parking spaces that will be taken offline.
- The yellow arrows represent the spaces that will be taken offline for the work in the Becton and Clark Lots.
December 20-21: Owen Hall
Below is a picture of the area where the work will take place. Work will begin at 7:00 a.m. and is expected to take all day to finish.
- The orange arrows represent the location of the work and the parking spaces that will be taken offline.
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