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Employee Parking

Important Updates

Employee permits transitioned to non-expiring on July 1, 2023.

The carpool permit only allows one vehicle to park on campus each day.

Please expand the sections below for a detailed explanation of each permit type.

  • Per Transportation Ordinances, refunds will not be issued for unused days.
  • Please see our Campus Map for more information on these parking locations.
  • Where to purchase?
Permit TypePriceLocationsPayment TypeWho is eligible?
Perimeter$3 per weekdayCB, CC, DD, W, Oval West, and Poulton Decks and F, W, V, RH LotsUpfront PaymentTemporary/Permanent Employee
C/CD$5 per weekdayC, F, GV, RH, RV, V, W, and CDUpfront PaymentTemporary/Permanent Employee
B (Permanent Employees Housed on North Campus & Departments)$7 per weekdayB, C, F, GV, RH, RV, V, and WUpfront PaymentPermanent Employee
  • Monthly permits are valid for one calendar month and prorate down weekly. 
  • Employees who purchase a monthly permit will receive a reminder email four days before it expires.
  • Please see our Campus Map for more information on these parking locations.
  • Where to purchase?
Permit TypePriceLocationsPayment TypeWho is eligible?
C$34C, DD, F, GV, RH, RV, V, WUpfront PaymentTemporary Employees
CD$42CDUpfront PaymentTemporary Employees
B (Employees Housed on North Campus & Departments)$46B, C, F, GV, RH, RV, V, and WUpfront PaymentTemporary Employees
  • Employees who need to add a vehicle or update vehicle information should visit
  • New employees who would like to purchase a payroll-deducted permit for the first time should utilize MyPackPortal to make a purchase.
    • After logging in, click on the Payroll tile.
    • Then click on the Parking Permit Request tile.
  • Permits paid for by payroll deduction do not expire. Please submit the Cancel A Virtual Permit Form if the permit is no longer needed.
  • Permits paid for with a credit card must be done in the Transportation Office.
    • The address is 2721 Sullivan Drive.
    • Office hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    • The permit is valid from July 1 to June 30.
  • Please see our Campus Map for more information on these parking locations.
Permit TypePrice (Annual/Monthly)LocationsWho is eligible?
AS$1,491/$124.25Reserved Space- B, C, F, GV, RH, RV, V, and WAssigned Space Employees
B$552/$46B, DD, C, F, GV, RH, RV, V, and WPermanent Employees Housed on North Campus & Departments
C$405/$33.75C, DD, F, GV, RH, RV, V, WPermanent Employees/Temporary Employees*
C4$648C, DD, F, GV, RH, RV, V, WCorporate Partner*
CD$501/$41.75CD (permit area only- floors 2 and up)Permanent Employees/Temporary Employees*
U$552/$46B, DD, C, F, GV, RH, RV, V, and WPermanent Employees Previously Housed on North Campus with a B Permit but Relocated 
V$219/$18.25VPermanent Employees/Temporary Employees*

*Not eligible for payroll deduction and must pay the annual price.

Permit TypePrice (Annual/Monthly)LocationsWho is eligible?
R$105B, C, CD, DD, F, V, WRetired Employees
M$52Motorcycle SpacesMotorcycle Owners
Carpool$405 split between membersB, C, CC, CD, F, DD, V, or WCarpool Program Eligibility
LZ$0See map.All Employees
  • Permits are virtual, and your license plate is your parking credential.
  • No physical permit is issued to display in your vehicle.
  • If your license plate is not identical to the plate on the rear of your vehicle, you must park so that your plate faces the drive lane. If you wish to back into your parking space, you may purchase a front vanity plate for $10 in the Transportation office.

Front plate orders are placed on the 15th of each month. Processing time could take up to 3 weeks after the order is placed.

You will be emailed when your plate is available for pickup.

Add A Vehicle

  • Click here to access your parking account.
  • Choose NCSU Shibboleth login, log into your account, and agree with the terms of service.
  • Choose “Vehicles” on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • Choose “Add A New Vehicle” in the upper right corner.
  • Choose “Permit To Associate” your new vehicle.
  • Enter Plate #, State/Prov., Year, and Make of the vehicle and click confirm.
  • Click Complete.
  • That’s it! Your new vehicle is now active.

Permanently Replace A Vehicle

  • Click here to access your parking account.
  • Choose NCSU Shibboleth login, log into your account, and agree with the terms of service.
  • Choose “Vehicles” on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • Choose “Permanent Replacement” for the vehicle you wish to replace.
  • Enter Plate #, State/Prov., Year, and Make of the vehicle and click confirm.
  • Click Complete. That’s it!
  • Your permanent change is now active.

Temporarily Replace A Vehicle

  • Click here to access your parking account.
  • Choose NCSU Shibboleth login, log into your account, and agree with the terms of service.
  • Choose “Vehicles” on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • Choose “Temporary Replacement” for the vehicle you wish to replace.
  • Enter Plate #, State/Prov., Year, and Make of the vehicle and click confirm.
  • Enter Replacement Date Range, click confirm, and click Complete.
  • That’s it! Your temporary vehicle is now active.

Delete A Vehicle

Cancel or Return a Permit/Separation from the University

  • Employees who wish to return/cancel a permit that is no longer needed or who are separating from the University must submit the Cancel A Virtual Permit Form.
  • Employees will receive a prorated refund based on the week the permit was canceled.
    • If an employee is paying for their permit via Payroll Deduction, the parking fee will continue to be deducted from their paycheck until the Cancel a Virtual Permit form has been submitted.

Leave of Absence

  • Employees approved for medical or scholarly leave may request to stop payment and cancel their parking privilege until they return to the University. Due to a limited number of permits, AS, B, and U permit holders will only be eligible to receive the same permit type when they return to the University and reinstate their payroll deducted parking fees if the documentation of approved leave was provided at the time of cancellation. Documentation of approved leave is required. Upon return, employees may receive the same permit type and reinstate their payroll deducted parking fees. Employees who do not request the suspension of parking credentials will be responsible for parking fees during their absence.
  • Employees who voluntarily return their AS, B, or U permit for any reason other than medical or scholarly leave will not be reissued a B or U permit type upon return.
  • Employees who do not return/cancel their permits will be responsible for parking fees during their absence.
  • Permit holders may not return/cancel or suspend payment prior to or during University holidays and academic break periods to avoid parking fees during those periods.

Congrats on your retirement!

Retired employees have two options for parking: purchasing an annual permit or visitor parking.

Retired employees who receive compensation from the university are not eligible for an “R” permit. However, they may purchase an Employee Parking permit (daily, monthly, or annual).

Retirees wishing to purchase an annual permit should follow the below steps:

  • Submit a Permit Authorization Form for Retired Employees signed by the Department Head or representative to Transportation.
  • The form authorizes the purchase of an “R” permit for an annual fee.
  • Retired employees may renew their annual permits online via credit card with an access code from the renewal reminder letter. Renewal reminder letters are sent via email in May of each year.

Retirees who wish to utilize visitor parking while on campus may pay hourly to utilize any pay-by-plate location. Additional information may be found on our Visitor Parking Page.

Week Start
Week End
Sales %Refund %
July 20247/1/20247/6/2024100.00%80.00%
August 20248/1/20248/10/2024100.00%75.00%
September 20249/1/20249/7/2024100.00%75.00%
October 202410/1/202410/5/2024100.00%80.00%
November 202411/1/202411/9/2024100.00%75.00%
December 202412/1/202412/7/2024100.00%75.00%
January 20251/1/20251/4/2025100.00%80.00%
February 20252/1/20252/8/2025100.00%75.00%
March 20253/1/20253/8/2025100.00%75.00%
April 20254/1/20254/5/2025100.00%80.00%
May 20255/1/20255/10/2025100.00%75.00%
June 20256/1/20256/7/2025100.00%75.00%